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Understanding Asphalt – 3 Different Kinds Of Flexible Pavement Failures

By July 22, 2022December 1st, 2023No Comments
Different kinds of flexible pavement failures.

Flexible pavements are designed to move and flex under traffic loads and to combat the cracking and settlement issues which often plague rigid pavements. While these pavements have their own set of problems, flexible pavements have become increasingly popular in recent years due to advances in materials technology and construction methods.

In this blog post by AAA Paving Since 1964 LLC, we’ll explore the types of failure that can happen with this type of roadway and how to address them. So read on to learn more!

1. Rutting

Rutting occurs when tire tracks start to sink into the pavement, creating depressions in the roadway. That can happen for several reasons, including (but not limited to) excessive weight on the pavement, inadequate drainage, and poor compaction of the subgrade.

Rutting is a serious issue because it can lead to potholes and other types of pavement failure.

How to Deal with Rutting?

To address rutting, it is important first to identify the cause.

  • Suppose the problem is due to poor drainage. In that situation, you should take measures to improve drainage (e.g., by installing drainage pipes or improving the roadway grading).
  • Suppose the problem is due to poor compaction of the subgrade. In that case, you should take measures to improve compaction (e.g., by using a vibratory roller during construction).

Once the cause of the rutting has been identified, it is possible to repair the damage by milling out the ruts and resurfacing the pavement.

However, this repair is typically only effective in the short-term, as the underlying cause of the rutting will likely re-emerge over time.

2. Alligator Cracking

Alligator cracking typically results in a series of interconnected cracks that look like the scales on an alligator’s back.

How to Deal with Alligator Cracking?

Alligator cracking is often caused by poor drainage, as water can pool in the cracks and accelerate pavement deterioration.

Heavy traffic, particularly if the pavement is not designed to accommodate the loads, can also cause pavement failure.

Alligator cracking can be repaired by milling out the damaged area and resurfacing the pavement. It is important to focus on the underlying cause of the alligator cracks, however, as they will likely reappear if the drainage or load issues are not corrected.

3. Railroad Or Transverse Cracking

Railroad or transverse cracking is another fatigue cracking characterized by a series of cracks that run perpendicular to the pavement’s centerline. These cracks typically form due to traffic loads, but they can also be caused by poor drainage or other factors.

How to Deal with Transverse Cracking?

Traffic loads usually cause transverse cracks, but they can also be caused by thermal expansion or contraction.

The best way to deal with transverse cracking is to seal the cracks with a hot-applied sealant. That will prevent moisture from getting into the cracks and causing further damage.

If your driveway or road is experiencing pavement failures like cracking or rutting – feel free to contact the best pavement repair company in Texas – AAA Paving Since 1964 LLC.

We have been serving Tomball, TX, for many years and have proven to be the best place to go for anything asphalt-related!

Are you ready for your next pavement repair project? Schedule a call now!